

The standard of the race is edited of agreement with that settled down officially by VEREIN FÜR DEUTSCHE SCHÄFERHUNDE (S.V.), association pro German shepherd with headquarters in Augsburg, affiliated to the Association German (VDH) Canófila that is the responsible for the norms of upbringing (standard) of the race of German shepherd's dog in their quality of creator of the race, edited during the first assembly of partners in Frankfurt-M, the day September of 1899, 20 according to the suggestions of TO. Mayer and Von Stephanitz; and with the later modifications agreed in the VIª assembly of partners of July 28 1901; in XXIIIª assembly of partners in Köln / Rh, of September 17 1909; the assembly of executives and consultants in Wiesbaden, September 5 1930; and of the meeting of the Committee of Breeders and of the Directive Table revised March of 1961, 25 everything it inside the mark of the World Union of Associations of German (WUSV) Shepherd's Dog that was approved in the session of WUSV August 30 1976; and agreements of the Directive and Advisory Table, of March 23-24 1991. This standard has been approved by F.C.I. with the nº 166.
German shepherd's dog whose planned upbringing began in the year 1899, it was created taking like base the species of the existent shepherd dogs in those times in Central Germany and Southern Germany, with the fundamental purpose of developing a dog of capable work for high yields. To achieve this goal the standard of the race of German shepherd's dog he/she settled down that refers so much to their corporal structure as well as their racial characteristics and temperament.


German shepherd's dog is of medium, lightly lengthened, strong stature and of good musculature, of dry bones and structure general strong.


The height to the cross is of 60-65 cms. in the males, and of 55-60 cms. in the females. The long of the back is 10 to 17 bigger% that the height to the cross.


German shepherd's dog should be balanced, of firm nerves, sure of itself, absolutely serene (except in an irritating or exciting situation), nobleman, attentive and docile, and it should possess fight spirit and stability of character, to be capable as company dog, of guard and of protection.


He/she should have wedge form, proportionate with the size of their body (their long one should be approximately 40% from the height to the cross, without being rough neither too much lengthened), in their general aspect it is dry and moderately wide among the ears. The forehead, view for before and of side, he/she should have a soft wave without central or slightly marked furrow. The proportion between the face and the forehead is from 50% to 50%. The width of the forehead corresponds approximately to its longitude. The superior part of the head (seeing it from above) slips from the ears until the tip of the muzzle (it lies) through the forehead, with a moderate decline, arriving until the face forming a wedge. As much the maxillary superior as the maxillary inferior should be strongly developed. The nose should be direct (a sinking or wave are not desirable). The lips are smooth, very closed and of dark color.


It should be black.


It should be strong, healthy and it completes (42 teeth according to the dental formula). German shepherd's dog bites in scissor, that is to say that the incisive teeth should act as scissor, acting the incisive of the maxillary superior on inferior those of the maxillary one as scissor. They are defects: the bite in clip; and that the incisive superiors are separated from the inferior so much for before as from behind; also they are disposable the installation of the on-line incisive straight line, and the big spaces among the teeth. The bones of the jaw should be strong and to be perfectly developed, so that the teeth are deeply implanted in the gums.


They should be fairly big, in an almond-shaped way, something oblique and not prominent. The color of the eyes should be the darkest thing possible. Clear and sunken eyes are not desirable, since they influence negatively in the expression of the dog.


German shepherd's dog has ears of medium size, and it must take them erect, right and well implanted (neither leaned neither shrunk) finished in tip and guided toward before. Ears that bend or they hang they are considered faulty. When the dog is in movement or in rest, the placement of the ears back they are not considered defect.


The neck should be strong, well musculado, with the stretched skin, without slack jowl. Its inclination in connection with the back is approximately of 45%.


The superior line reflects from the base of the neck, through the well developed, high and lengthened cross and a back lightly bowed (to the horizontal line) until the lightly inclined croup, without visible interruptions. The back is lengthened proportionally, firm and strong, and well musculado. The loin is wide, short, strongly developed and well musculado. The croup should be long and lightly inclined (approximately 23 grades regarding the horizontal line) and it should arrive without interruptions of the superior line until the birth of the line.


It should be proportionately wide; the inferior part desirably long and notorious. The depth of the chest should be from 45 to 48% from the height to the cross. The ribs should be moderately arched. (The excessively arched chest, in barrel form, constitutes a defect, the same as the chest with too flat ribs).


It arrives at least until the hock, but it cannot surpass half of the metatarsus, in their inferior part he/she has hair something longer and it must take it in form of moderate arch directed toward the floor. In the event of excitement and in the movement it takes it higher, but without surpassing the horizontal line. Any manipulation correctiva of the line is forbidden.
Measures of the extremities


The front train seen from all the angles it must be right; and seen of front, absolutely parallel. The scapula and the humerus should have the same longitude and they must be firmly bound to the back by means of well developed and potent muscles. The angle formed by the scapula and the humerus should be approximately of 90% that it is the ideal thing, but it can arrive until the 110 grades.
The elbows cannot be bent toward out, neither in stop position neither in movement; neither they can be sunken toward inside. The forearms should be right and parallel, in relationship the one with the other one, seeing them from all the sides; dry and with well developed musculature. The longitude of the metacarpus is approximately similar to a third of the forearm and the angle among both is of approximately 20 to 22 grades. So much a metacarpus too much bowed (more than 22 grades) as a too rigid (less than 20 grades) metacarpus harms the utility of the dog, particularly as for their resistance.


They are rounded, very closed and arched, the plants of the hands, hard but not cracked; the fingernails are strong and of dark color.


The position of the back train is directed lightly back, and the back extremities, see from behind, they should be parallel one in connection with the other one. The femur and the tibia must have the same longitude approximately and to form an angle of approximately 120 grades. The thighs are strong and of good musculature.
The hocks must be strongly developed and sign; the metatarsus is located vertically under the hock.


They are closed, lightly arched; the pads, strong and of dark color; the fingernails, strong, arched and also of dark color.


German shepherd's dog is a trotting one; the measures of their extremities must belong together in his long one and angulación and they must be synchronized in such a way that the dog can, without considerable alteration of the dorsal line, to move the back train toward the torso and to cover with the front train the same distance. Any tendency to the sobreangulación of the back train diminishes the stability and the resistance of the dog, and consequently its utility for the work. When the proportions between structure and angulaciones are correct, the result is a good propulsion that allows to embrace space and a leveling advance on the floor that transmits the impression of an advance effortlessly. With the head bowed forward and the line lightly run off with in trot to regulate and calm, he/she is formed a line of soft bend and without interruption, from the tip of the ears, following the nape and the back, until the tip of the line.


The skin must be smoothly detached, but without forming wrinkles.


The correct coat of German shepherd's dog is formed by the inferior layer of short hair and for an intermediate (subpelo) layer. The external hair that covers him/her should be obstructed, right, hard and tight. In the head, including the external part of the ears, in the part previous of the extremities and in the fingers, the hair is short; in the neck it is something longer and denser; in the later part of the extremities, the hair lengthens until the elbow and the hock; in the back part of the thigh they are formed moderate shorts.


Black, black and yellowish fire, brown, until gray, gray with dark stains, and mask and black back. White small stains not attractive in the chest, as well as clear parts interiors are admitted, but they are not desirable. The tip of the nose (it lies) should be black always. The mask lack, the clear and penetrating color of the eyes, clear stains in the chest and interior parts, clear fingernails and tip of the red line, they are evaluated as lack of pigment. The subpelo layer shows a lightly grizzly tone. The white color is not admitted.


height to the cross: 60 cms. up to 65 cms.
weight: 30 kgs. up to 40 kgs.

height to the cross: 55 cms. up to 60 cms.
weight: 22 kgs. up to 32 kgs.


The males should have two testicles of normal visible development, completely located in the scrotum. DEFECTS: (to return) Each deviation of the noted points is considered as defect whose evaluation should be made in exact proportion to the grade of the deviation.


Deviations of the characteristics of the race up described that they harm the aptitude for the work.
  1. Defects of ears: Leaned ears, inserted too low, fallen, convergent and not very firm ears.
  2. Considerable deficiencies of pigmentation.
  3. Lack of general marked stability.
  4. Denture defects: All the deviations of the bite in scissor and of the dental formula, as soon as it is not about excluding defects that are the following ones:


  1. Weak, aggressive dogs of character and those that bite.
  2. Dogs with serious (displasia) proven HD.
  3. Monórquidos, criptórquidos, as well as dogs with visibly disparate or atrophied testicles.
  4. Dogs with serious defects in ears and tail.
  5. Dogs with malformations.
  6. Dogs with dental defects when it lacks:
      • 1 premolar 3 and another tooth or
      • 1 eyetooth or
      • 1 premolar 4 or
      • 1 molar 1 or 1 molar 2, or
      • in total 3 or more teeth.
  7. Dogs with deficiencies of jaws:
    close of the mouth with separation between the incisive superiors and the biggest inferior to 2 mm.
    Bite toward before (Prognatismo).
    Bite in clip in the total of the area of incisive.
  8. Dogs with excess or size defect in more than a centimeter, on that specified in this standard.
  9. Albinism
  10. Color of white (although eyes and fingernails are dark) hair.
  11. Hair semilargo (long, soft that doesn't adhere to well to the body, loose although he/she has subpelo; with cowlicks in ears and extremities; and with cowlicks down in shorts and line).
  12. Long (long, soft, without interior wool that in most of the cases form a central line on the back, cowlicks in the ears, extremities and line) hair.